The Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention requires that nearly all merchant ships , since 2004 be equipped with ship security alert systems in a phased manner. It’s now over a decade that the SSAS has been in use and lessons learnt, have resulted in the upgrade and enhancement of the alerting system and its associated monitoring software. Worldwide regulations are in place to comply with ISPS codes both for ships as well as for ports. The ship security alert system (SSAS) requires transmission of a discrete security alert to a flag state authority when the security of the ship is under threat or has been compromised. The equipment in use should meet regulatory requirements in accordance with MSC Cir 1155 & MSC.1/Circ. 1190 (para 3 of Annex A).
The Poseidon advantage At Navtek we take regulations seriously and strive to abide by them verbatim. MSC 147 (77) says “Activation points should be capable of being used on the navigation bridge and in other locations”. So this is why we provide 3 alarm activation points. The multiple activation points (1 for the navigation bridge and 2 for other locations) we believe will enhance safety and security of lives at sea. It eliminates the assumption that people on the bridge or the location of the other activation point are the only ones who may be aware of a threat, which normally may not be the case. Poseidon SSAS from NavtekTime-tested & practice-proven, the popular choice for many SSAS providers & ship owners is the IsatData Pro. The IDP from Orbcomm runs on the trusted Inmarsat I4 constellation with a commercial life beyond 2023. The Poseidon SSAS uses the same IDP hardware as used and proven in over 20,000 ships for years and is approved by IRS which is an IACS member. The Poseidon SSAS is fully complaint to SOLAS XI – 2/6 mandatory regulations and Performance standards for Ship Security Alert Systems and MSC Cir 1155 and MSC.1/Circ. 1190 (para 3 of Annex A). It’s a simple yet smartly designed system whereby the antenna on top connects to a break out box installed in the bridge which is connected to the ships emergency battery. This eliminates the need for any expensive dedicated “battery in a box”. The rugged unit comes with 3 remote “alert activation points”.
Assurance signalWhen an alert activation is pressed normally the ship’s crew do not know if this alert has been received at shore and if any action will be taken. It is always a psychological advantage if people in trouble know that help is on the way. trackmyship is built with an intelligent and discrete alert acknowledgement signal that is received in the hidden panic alert button. A green light glows if the alert generated on the ship is acknowledged by the CSO. This feature can be enabled or disabled and is a function of our software.
Maritime Security ManagementWorking over a cloud or dedicated server trackmyship.com comes with a set of powerful data tools that not only handles the security management of the vessel but also doubles as an efficient vessel management solution. Turning Data into actionable intelligence is what we specialize in and with the expertise gained in tracking AIS, aircrafts and vehicles. Navtek has considerable experience in exploitation and distribution of received data from our SSAS units. With a standard reporting frequency of 1 per hour ( 24 per day) our SSAS tracking software “trackmyship.com” has powerful data mining capabilities and data visualizing tools to provide ship-owners with a standard set of detailed information on their ship movements. Our software team is capable of carrying out any customization faster and more economical than anyone else.